Additional Readings on The End of Poverty

The End of Poverty

The End of Poverty

The following is a list of articles, conversations, and reviews about The End of Poverty. To discuss the book click here.

The End of Poverty: An Interview with Jeffrey Sachs

This interview with Mother Jones covers Sachs’s purpose for writing The End of Poverty, his response to critics, and how he wants to, “help people help themselves.”

A Brief Summary of Jeffrey Sachs’s End of Poverty

Providing the Sparknotes version, Real Sociology summarizes the first 4 chapters of the book. They even add some personal thoughts at the end.

‘The End of Poverty’: Brother, Can You Spare $195 Billion?

The New York Times Book review from April 2005.

A Modest Proposal

Nemesis (had to) Bill Easterly’s book review.

The Jeffrey Sachs & William Easterly Saga

Brief background on what the two theorists disagree about.

The Millennium Villages

I have yet to reach this part of The End of Poverty. Here is the official website for the Millennium Villages (the FAQ is especially helpful).

The Age of Sustainable Development -FREE Course

Jeff Sachs will teach an online course about economic development with a sustainable focus. The course starts in September and registration is open now.

The Not-So-Great Professor: Jeffrey Sachs’ Incredible Failure to Eradicate Poverty in Africa

Thank you to David for this suggestion.


Are there any non-Western voices (apart from Moyo) who have written about Sachs’s work?
